Why is the number 897 at the top of my page? It's actually there twice. I didn't put it there. The designer of this blogger template must have just thought it was a cool number. Maybe it was the 897th template that he designed. I suppose that after 896 templates, you start to run out of ideas. I wonder if someday that number will change and people will think "Wow, I remember when that page used to say 897."
I just found out that at least two people read this blog once and a while: my mom and Chris Fuller. Hi Fuller. It would probably be simpler to just e-mail you two my random thoughts. It's fun to pretend I have a big audience.
Fuller wrote me an e-mail commenting on the comments I get on my blog. I agree that they are quite insightful. I especially liked the one about road construction of pa. What does that even mean?
If you read this, you can e-mail me at yaniv34@gmail.com and tell me I should write things that are funnier. Otherwise, I'm going to keep boring you with essays on the meaning of the number 897.
The number 897 is a three digit number and is divisible by three. Coincidence? Unlikely. There are two ways to say the number outload. You could say "eight-hundred and ninety-seven" or you could say "eight-hundred ninety-seven." The second choice is more economical since you only have to say seven syllables. On the other hand, if you were writing a song, you might choose the first one in order to better fit your rhyme scheme. And if you are writing a song about 897, please don't rhyme it with "heaven" or "eleven." Those are easy choices. If you happen to be dating a girl named Evelyn, she probably wouldn't mind being included in your creation. Chances are you are not writing a song about the number 897, and don't view the number as particular worthy of a song. However, I assume that you are not unaware that 897 is only three away from 900. Of course, it is also only three away from 894, but I'll save that issue for another blog. If I wrote about the number 897 for 897 seconds, I would have lost nearly 15 minutes of my life. That would be a shame, because there are so many other numbers out there, and I should give them equal attention. How would 17 feel for instance? Don't worry my dear number 17--if you are reading this blog, I will give you equal attention in a future entry. In actuality, I not sure if the number 17 even reads this or even knows how to use a computer for that matter. Okay, I'm done. I'm going to go count sheep now. 1, 2, 3 ...