Letters to the void.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Wood for the Fire

Hunker Down's new record "Wood for the Fire" is official released as of last Saturday's concert. For now, the easiest way to get is here:

The album will be on iTunes in a couple weeks. I played upright bass on the record, and I'm psyched with the way it turned out. Here's a link to a article in the Ski Hi Daily News about the record:

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


On India:
"Everything is still very surreal and I often feel like I'm in a movie set, but it's when I'm sitting in ridiculous, chaotic traffic among auto-rickshaws and mopeds carrying up to 4 people with cows in the medians and monkeys sometimes running along the fences while dusty little kids taps on the windows and try to sell us bobble-head doggies or magazines, it starts to get a bit more real!"