Letters to the void.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Okay... Go!

I just put a link to this page on my website. That changes things a bit. Now there's a better chance that people I know will read this. My mom will probably read this. (Hi Mom.) Oh well.
Sometimes I want attention and don't want attention at the same time. That's what this blog is... kind of.
So back to the theme of yesterday, I think my insides are filled with brown paint. I read this book where the main character is convinced that instead of organs and blood and bones, the inside of his body is just pure white light. I like that. You can't really prove him wrong. It's kind of like how blood is blue on the inside of your veins and then it turns red when it hits oxygen on the outside. Realistically, deep down everyone is black on the inside. Not like African American black. Like the color. Or rather the absence of it. Even your heart is black unless it's on the outside.
On the other hand, your body does put out heat. Maybe you can think of your insides like the pictures from infrared cameras. Your body puts out radiant energy--it's just not in the visual spectrum. I wish that it was. It seems like it should be. Maybe there are some animals that can see that kind of stuff.
What the hell am I talking about?
I got to go now. I got to go paint some more food brown.


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