Letters to the void.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

No Connection

My internet went down last Friday and was out all weekend. Apparently the Comcast tower fell down or something and knocked out internet service all over the Fraser Valley. They got it up and running again last night, but most of town was offline for the weekend plus two full workdays. I'm sure there were some people freaking out. I'm ended up turning in some of my assignments for my online classes a few days late. Being without internet is a similiar feeling to losing your cell phone. You feel disconnected and you also realize your dependance on technology.

Speaking of broken technology, the headlight on my car went out today. I know that the lightbulb came a bit before the internet, but lights still come in handy. The right one went out last night and the left one went out today, so I assume it's some sort of electrical problem.

Speaking of my car, I talked my way out of a serious speading ticket yesterday. I got pulled over for going 30 mph over the speed limit. The cop wrote me a ticket with a court date and everything, and I bargained him down. I told him I was coasting downhill in neutral in order to save gasoline, and that was the reason I was speeding. Seriously. He rewrote the ticket and now it's only a $40 mail-in fine and 1 point on my record. Sucker. I hope he doesn't read this blog. Sucker.

Speaking of sucking, it sure does suck to lose your internet connection. That last connection sucked. If it wasn't for your internet connection, you wouldn't be reading this. Sucker.


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