The Military
The military is dependent on young men trying to proove they're tough and old men trying to proove that they're still tough. For a grown man who is secure in his strength, the army is worthless. Armies rely on the insecure adolescents and impotent old men. What disgusts me about the army is the way that these weak old men enslave and abuse youth in order to feel strong again.
Joining the army is one of stupidest things a person can possibly do. Young people are fooled to believe that they are "defending freedom" so they give up their own entirely. Soldiers have less freedom than anyone. Even a convict in jail has more freedom. At least the convict won't be ordered to kill anyone. I suppose that convict on death row who is being sent to die has less freedom than most soldiers.
Young people are lured by the elderly with shiny metal toys and fun costumes. The most despicable lure they use is illusion of "honor." There's nothing honorable about killing a stranger or being killed by a stranger. Destruction doesn't make you a grown-up. Creation does.
I believe that we will eventually evolve beyond the idea of countries and especially dying for your country. We have only recently evolved beyond the idea of kings and queens. The idea of dying for your king is clearly ridiculous. The idea of dying for your country will die soon.
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